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An integrated approach to assess the quality of groundwater in part of Cheralapally area, Rangareddy District, Andhra Pradesh, India

Narsimha. A, Sudarshan. V, Srinivasulu. P, Anitha. N and Parameshwar. V

In the current study, 12 groundwater samples were collected from parts of Cheralapally area to assess water quality and investigate by analyzing the major cations (Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+ and K+) and anions (HCO3 -, Cl-, SO4 2- and CO3 2-) besides some physical and chemical parameters (pH, electrical conductivity and total hardness). Also, geographic information system-based groundwater quality mapping in the form of visually communicating contour maps was developed using ArcGIS-9.2 to delineate spatial variation in physicochemical characteristics of groundwater samples. All the parameters analysed are in adherence to desirable limits of Indian Standards for drinking water except few locations. From the obtained data, it can be concluded that the water quality profile was good and useful for drinking purpose