Informe de caso de Ginecología y Obstetricia Acceso abierto


Giant Ovarian Cyst Adenoma in a Postmenopausal Woman: A Case Report with Literature review

Begum DA

Giant ovarian cysts are benign in most cases and histopathologically they are either serous or mucinous. A case of large ovarian cyst (20 × 18 × 10cm) is reported here. She presented at our OPD clinic with complaints of gradual distension of abdomen and a palpable mass for 6 months. At laparotomy a giant, cystic, smooth, vascularized mass adherent with fallopian tube was encountered. Considering age and premenopausal status we performed Total Abdominal Hysterectomy with Bilateral Salphingo-ophorectomy. Histopathology revealed serous cystadenoma of ovary. Post-operative recovery was excellent and patient was discharged at 5th post-operative day in a good health status.