Periodoncia y Prostodoncia Acceso abierto


Immunohistochemical Localization of Osteopontin - A Comparative Study on Periodontally Healthy and Diseased Tooth Root Surface

Julie Toby Thomas, Toby Thomas

A Great deal of effort has been focused on trying to determine the presence and localization of factors responsible for cementogenesis, as well as in repair and regeneration of periodontal tissues. Bone sialoprotein and
osteopontin are the two major non-collagenous proteins in cementum that appeared to have important roles in cementogenesis and regeneration.

Aim: To investigate the expression and distribution of osteopontin on diseased root surface in comparison with healthy non-diseased root surface in by immunohistochemical technique using osteopontin mouse monoclonal antibody [NCL-O-PONTIN] (Novocastra)

Materials and Methods: Fifty-Five teeth which included 25 permanent healthy human teeth and 30 permanent teeth affected by advanced periodontitis were collected. All teeth were initially fixed in 10% neutral buffered formalin. Following fixation and demineralization, specimens were embedded in paraffin, sectioned and exposed to antibodies against osteopontin. Stained sections were assessed using digital photomicroscope.

Results: In healthy root surface staining intensity was found to be mild to moderate in the cemental surface and matrix. Moderate staining was found in relation to periodontal ligament. In diseased root surface there was absence of immunostaining for osteopontin (OPN) in exposed cementum. In, the apical part of the diseased tooth, a strong staining for OPN was seen along the cementum surfaces adjacent to the periodontal ligament.

Conclusion: The absence of staining for OPN in all areas of exposed cementum (absence of overlying periodontal ligament) in diseased teeth can affect the ability for regeneration and new connective tissue attachment onto the previously denuded root surface.